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Zoning Regulations - Article 11 - Page 66

Zoning Regulations - Sheridan County Nebraska - 2002 Page 66
The County Board of Commissioners may from time to time amend, supplement, modify the zoning district boundaries on the Official Zoning Map or repeal the regulations contained in this Resolution, provided no such amendment, supplement, modification, change of boundaries or repeal shall become effective until such proposed modification shall have been submitted to the Planning Commission for recommendation and report and after public notice has been provided and public hearing have been held by both the Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners. A proposal for modification or repeal may be initiated by the Planning Commission, the Board of Commissioners or upon application of any owner of property under the jurisdiction of this Resolution. A filing fee, as established by the County Board of Commissioners shall be paid for each application to modify this Resolution prior to action on such application by the Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners, provided that such fee shall be waived where the proposed modifications is initiated by the Planning Commission or the Board of Commissioners.
Prior to consideration of amending, supplementing, changing, modifying or repealing of all or part of this Resolution, notice of public hearings by the Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners shall each be provided as follows:
1102.01 Such notice shall be published in the legal newspaper of general circulation in the County one (1) time at least ten (10) calendar days prior to such public hearing and such notice shall fix the date, time, place and subject of the public hearing. In addition, a copy of such notice shall also be given to the Chairperson of any municipal, county or any joint planning commission, having jurisdiction over land within three (3) miles of the property effected by the petition. In the absence of a planning commission, such notice shall be given to the clerks of units of local governments having jurisdiction over land within three (3) miles of the property affected by such action. Any party may appear in person or be represented by an agent or attorney at the public hearing and be heard
1102.02 If such proposed modification is not a general revision of an existing provision of this Resolution and will affect only a specific property, the public notice shall include the general location and a legal description of such specific property and, in addition, notice of the public hearing(s) shall be mailed by first class mail to the applicant and the owners of record of real estate that is located adjacent to or immediately across a road from the property affected by such modification at least ten (10) calendar days prior to such public hearings.
1102.03 The provisions of this Section regarding notification by first class mail shall not apply to:
1.	A proposed modification of this Resolution where such modification will apply throughout the County or throughout an existing zoning district;
2.	Additional or different types of zoning districts are proposed, whether or not such
additional or different zoning districts are made applicable to areas or parts of areas already within a zoning district of the County;
3.	In these instances only the publication of public notice in the newspaper, and notice to other planning commissions having jurisdiction over lands within three (3) miles of lands which will be effected by such modification and notification of local units of government, as set forth in Section 1102 above, shall be required.

Zoning Regulations - Sheridan County Nebraska - 2002 Page 66

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