Commissioners Minutes - Tuesday, December 10, 2024
While this is believed to be an accurate statement of the minutes, it is not the official version. Any errors or discrepancies are those of the writer.
The Sheridan County Commissioners met in regular session at 9:15 A.M. All members present along with Clerk Sindy Coburn, Treasurer Renee Thies, District Court Clerk Carol Stouffer and Interim Road Superintendent Rod Norton. Krotz stated that the meeting would be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act. This meeting was posted on the official County website and posted in the Sheridan County Journal Star on December 4, 2024.

Messersmith made a motion to accept the agenda. Kling seconded the motion. With a roll call vote all voted aye.

Messersmith made a motion to approve the minutes of 11-26-2024 with corrections. Kling seconded the motion. With a roll call vote all voted aye.

Kling made a motion to approve Resolution #2024-24 adopting the revised version of the Floodplain Ordinance required by the Federal Emergency Response Management Agency. Messersmith seconded the motion. With a roll call vote Krotz and Kling voted aye and Messersmith voted nay. This is required in order for residents to qualify for federal flood insurance coverage. 

The board reviewed resolutions prepared by the Clerk for transfers of funds as included in the 2024-2025 budget. 

Messersmith made a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-25 authorizing the Treasurer to transfer $823,220.31 from the General Fund to the Road Fund. Kling seconded the motion. With a roll call vote all voted aye.

Messersmith made a motion to adopt Resolution #2024-26 authorizing the Treasurer to transfer $5,000 from the General Fund to the Extension Sinking Fund. Kling seconded the motion. With a roll call vote all voted aye.

Kling made a motion to adopt Resolution #2024-27 authorizing the Treasurer to transfer $23,598 from the General Fund to the Reappraisal Fund. Messersmith seconded the motion. With a roll call vote all voted aye.

Kling made a motion to adopt Resolution #2024-28 authorizing the Treasurer to transfer $189,563.33 from the General Fund to the Weed Fund. Messersmith seconded the motion. With a roll call vote all voted aye.

Interim Road Superintendent Rod Norton along with Mike Bateman and Casey Rau from Murphey Tractor presented the board state bid proposals for three motor graders. The board chose to not make a purchase and requested Norton advertise for sealed bids. Norton informed the board that the surplus equipment that was sold on Big Iron auction brought in $29,066. Some stuff sold to local residents. 

Norton requested executive session to discuss personnel matters along with an issue that may lead to litigation. Kling made a motion to go into executive session at 9:53 A.M. to discuss personnel matters and to discuss possible litigation. Messersmith seconded the motion. With a roll call vote all voted aye. At 10:37 A.M. Kling made a motion to come out of executive session with no decision made. Messersmith seconded the motion. With a roll call vote all voted aye.

Veteran Service Officer Jason Hotz reported that they have not received any funds from the Open Plains Transit Grant. Hotz presented the board with a handout showing salary comparisons for secretaries that work for the county. He was told that salaries where comparable but he would like them to review them.

Extension Educator Melissa Mracek introduced Caitlin Roes as the new Rural Prosperity Nebraska educator. Mracek also informed the board that she has visited with Linders about the purchase of the building and stated that she would accept the appraised value if that is an offer. The board stated that it isn’t an offer at this time and they will visit about it. Public Comment: Conversation about salaries. It was determined that the budgeted amount for the Weed Superintendent didn’t work out at the hourly rate that was voted on. Correction will need to be made.

Adjourn: 12:10 P.M.
Attest: Sindy L. Coburn, Clerk
James Krotz, Chairman
Posted by Jack Andersen
The minutes of this and all meetings of the Board of Commissioners are available to the public at the office of the Sheridan County Clerk.
All meetings of the Board of Commissioners are held in compliance with Nebraska Open Meetings Act and the public is always welcome.