Commissioners Minutes - Tuesday, May 9, 2023
While this is believed to be an accurate statement of the minutes, it is not the official version. Any errors or discrepancies are those of the writer.
The Sheridan County Commissioners met in regular session and by Zoom (ID# 93997918251 Passcode 625274) at 9:18 A.M. All members present along with Clerk Sindy Coburn, Assessor Tina Skinner, Treasurer Renee Thies and Highway Superintendent Richard Cross. Messersmith stated that the meeting would be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act. This meeting was posted on the official County website and posted in the Sheridan County Journal Star on May 3, 2023. 

Kling made a motion to accept the agenda. Krotz seconded the motion. With a roll call vote all voted aye. 

Kling made a motion to approve the minutes of 4-25-2023. Messersmith seconded the motion. With a roll call vote Messersmith and Kling voted aye and Krotz abstained. 

Jeff Jaggers, Toby Cotant and Jeff Davis were present to request ARPA funds for the local fire departments. The three departments are requesting $341,165.00. Each department will contribute a 10% match. Kling made a motion to adopt Resolution #2023-11 authorizing the requested $94,176 to the Hay Springs Volunteer Fire Department for the purpose of purchasing Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA). Krotz seconded the motion. With a roll call vote all voted aye. 
Messersmith made a motion to adopt Resolution #2023-12 authorizing the requested $112,890 to the Gordon Volunteer Fire Department for the purpose of purchasing SCBA. Kling seconded the motion. With a roll call vote all voted aye.
 Kling made a motion to adopt Resolution #2023-13 authorizing the requested $134,099 to the Rushville Volunteer Fire Department for the purpose of purchasing SCBA and Breathing Air Compressor. Krotz seconded the motion. With a roll call vote all voted aye. 

Treasurer Renee Thies requested an increase in the amount allowed for the pre-payment of postage for her office due to the higher cost of mailing out new license plates. The board approved her request to increase the amount from $500 to $1,000. 

Road Superintendent Richard Cross informed the board that the road maintenance crews are blading the roads. Commissioner Kling asked about the Shell Lake Road and 150th Lane. They are in need of gravel in several areas. Cross thought that it had been taken care of, he will check into it. Cross informed the board that we currently have 4 trucks running and 2 broken down. Hopefully they will all be back up and running soon. 

The board visited with Jacob Blenker of Hexagon, by zoom, regarding the possibility of the company installing a GPS receiver/transmitter station atop the County Shop in Gordon. This station would provide satellite GPS data to local surveyors and other users in the area. The board will visit with the Appointed County Surveyor and the Road Superintendent and make a decision next week. 

Adjourn: 12:20 P.M. 
Attest: Sindy L. Coburn, Clerk 
Bruce Messersmith, Chairman
Posted by Jack Andersen
The minutes of this and all meetings of the Board of Commissioners are available to the public at the office of the Sheridan County Clerk.
All meetings of the Board of Commissioners are held in compliance with Nebraska Open Meetings Act and the public is always welcome.